Wednesday, February 01, 2006

To edit or not to edit

The title of this entry will most likely make some people chuckle, namely the editors, but here is my dilemma: when I write it is usually in the spur-of-the-moment just because something moved me, and so writing it keeps it in the archives of my ever deteriorating brain. Now, if when looking back at it I notice a, shall we say, lack of fluidity, a poor use of language, should I go back and change it? As bad as it is sometimes, it does represent an instance where I felt the need to say something, or nothing, but still say it.
I am actually referring to my last entry. My most avid reader, who shall remain anonymous, correctly pointed out that the first half of the blog was not my best. As I re-read it I realized that I could have done a much better job, but yet did not feel that it was right to change it. Somehow it was like I would have betrayed the moment, when I was tired beyond words but still needed to say something.
So the question is, good writers need to revisit their masterpiece (aren't they all masterpieces?) so as to reach near-perfection, but, for the rest of us, is the feeling lost by a lack of editing?
Oh, and for those of you who I'm sure are staying up at night wondering how the lamb/pork/mystery meal went... it actually turned out pretty good... mustard saved the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my favorite way to solve this dilemma is to revise or edit just enough to polish it up, but not enough so that you kill the original feeling. In my experience, much inspiration comes through revision that is true to the spirit of the first writing.