Thursday, February 23, 2006


Writing a blog is a two edge sword. On the one hand you want to express what you are feeling or thinking, on the other you are aware of the fact that there might be someone out there actually reading too much into it. I have always felt more comfortable writing my feelings than saying them out loud. My mother can testify to that, as a teenager going through all the crap one goes through, I would leave her letters saying how I felt, even if it took me waiting to get to the point of exploding.
Today I feel like that, and even if it may frazzle some people or may bother others, I have to say my piece. And so here is me venting.

Today I'm feeling blue. Don't know if it's because I'm PMsing to the nth degree (ooh she said the "P" word), or because I am sometimes too aware and perceptive to the moods that are around me. I like, in a very selfish way, to be surrounded by positiveness, as unrealistic as that might be. I react too strongly to others' moods for my own good. It's not like I expect everyone to be all smiles, that would be extremely boring, but a good frank laugh does lift my spirits up.
I don't believe it has anything to do with living precariously, it's just that I am too permeable and pay too much attention. I've been trying to find the right balance of who-cares with that which I am living now, but somehow it eludes me.
I haven't pin-pointed what is it exactly that is getting to me, but it is. I am surrounded by too much negativity and it's affecting me. I'm not depressed mind you, my life is extremely good, but I am not enjoying it to its fullest because there are too many people frowning.
I am not the cape crusader, but I do feel more often than not that I should do something to make those creases disappear, whether it be by a joke or some ridiculous comment.
I like to see people happy, it makes me happy. Is that wrong?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who calls rising above such moods "getting to the so-what of it all."